Finding the Right Nursing Home
Written by Jeff Meyer on March 31, 2015
If you have an elderly loved one, then finding the right nursing home for their care is not as simple as just picking one out of the phonebook. It is a process, and it is also one that will require visits, research, and evaluations. It’s best to start with a list of many different choices and slowly narrow them down to a few of the best ones so that you can then visit and make a final decision. As a general rule, it is a very good idea to go for visits to the nursing home at various times of the day to get a real idea of how it operates and what life is like there.
Beginning the Search
A good place to start is to go online and find out what homes are available. This is a great way to start making a long list. However, it will require actual visits to make a your ultimate decision. If you have an elderly loved one, then you will want to take them on the visits so that they can see what life is like, talk with staff and doctors, and get a very good idea of how their needs will be met. It is vital that you and your loved one take the time to make a very carefully researched decision about which nursing home facility to choose. Only through this education will you be able to make the right decision.
Knowing When It’s Time to Look for a Nursing Home
It can be difficult to determine when it is time for an elderly individual to move into a nursing home. After all, there are many different options including in-home care, retirement communities, day centers, and many more. Often, nursing homes are considered the last resort when a patient can no longer care for themselves. However, there are certain things you can do in order to determine if it is time to move a loved one to a facility. These actions include:
- Begin by making an appointment with a medical professional to evaluate the patient. This should be done for both physical and mental issues.
- Next, consider what the whole family feels about the decision. In this situation, it is always best to consider all insights, opinions and feelings. However, it is good for everyone involved to carefully consider the well being of the elder patient specifically.
- Consider looking for community groups and volunteer organizations that can help loved ones maintain their life at home. It may be possible to get at-home nursing care as well if the elderly individual only needs visits from time to time.
- Speak with patient advocates who can help you make the right decisions for the elderly loved one. The advocate will be able to take the emotion out of the decision and consider patient needs specifically.
By going through this list it will be much easier to make the right decision for the elderly loved one.
Ensuring a Comfortable Move
Once you have chosen the best nursing home and your elderly loved one has moved in, there are things you can do in order to ensure the patient has a smooth move. Some of these things include:
- Ensuring that you visit the loved one regularly.
- Making certain the patient has the medication they need and ensuring you know what medications they are being given.
- Staying involved with your loved one’s care at all times.
- Speaking with the nurses who will be working with your loved one.
- Determining if there are any ways you can help with your loved one’s care.
Finding the right nursing home and ensuring your loved one has the proper care in that facility is a must to make sure they remain comfortable and happy.
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